The debate between the superiority of owning cats or dogs as pets has been debated for centuries, with everyone having their own opinion on the matter. Cats and dogs are the most common pets worldwide, most people have at least one and even if you do not own a pet, it is impossible to hate either animal. All animals deserve a happy home filled with love and affection, but one species is arguably the better choice to have as a companion, and the absolute right answer is cats.
Do not get me wrong, I love dogs. I have 3 of my own and would do anything for those fuzzy little guys, but it can definitely be a lot of work. Thankfully I have a fenced in backyard which makes taking them outside a whole lot easier, but if you do not have the fortune of owning a fence you have to take them out on a leash every time they need to use the bathroom. This might not sound like a big deal but when you have 3 dogs that constantly want to be outside, even in the snow, going outside with them every time gets more frustrating. Meanwhile my cats never go outside and use a litter box that I only have to clean once a day, which is a lot less work than taking my dogs out every 10 minutes. Of course the litter box is gross and smells bad, like any bathroom waste, but if you stay caught up with cleaning it there should be no lasting odor, and it only takes a few minutes to clean. If you have a scooper, which most cat owners do, you eliminate the need to pick up the poop with your hands, unlike with dogs that require you to pick up their poop with bags. Some people have a scooper for their dogs, but it can be extremely inconvenient to try to carry one around while taking your dogs for a walk.
A large number of people get big dogs as guard dogs to protect their homes, which can be useful in certain situations. Being scared for someone to break into your house or any other form of violence is very common and completely normal, and having a huge beast of a dog as a bodyguard helps ease that anxiety. The downside to this is that it can be a hefty challenge to effectively train your dog. It takes lots of classes, trainers, time, and endless effort to eventually get your dog prepared to protect you in emergency scenarios, and this unfortunately does not always work and you’re still left with a dog that is unaware of how to follow your commands. This turns into people owning huge dogs that they are not equipped to care for which can lead to deathly situations, such as if the dog attacked someone they were not supposed to. Even if the dog did not intend to harm someone, when they are up to 100 lbs and full of muscle with sharp, strong teeth, sometimes just playing can transform into a vicious attack.
If you have never seen a cat in full attack mode, trust me it can be scary too. They can cause some major damage with their claws, so it is important to regularly cut them and train your cat on how to behave. Some people declaw their cats to try to avoid this, but unfortunately this is a very inhumane procedure that leaves the cat in lifelong distress and is not recommended by veterinarians. Both animals can be territorial over almost anything, so training out aggressive behavior is needed regardless of the pet.
Sadly both cats and dogs are overpopulating shelters around the country, but cats are significantly cheaper to adopt and maintain and are filling up the shelters at a much faster rate. If you have never had the pleasure of owning a cat I suggest you visit a local shelter and I guarantee you will fall in love with one of the cats there. Join team cat today!